MontBucks 7’s
Montgomery Bucks 7’s is a gathering of athletes and college-aged alumni from our youth program to practice, hone their skills, and have fun. The program participates in the EPRU Summer 7’s Championship and travels to and competes in tournaments throughout the summer season. As one of the oldest 7’s programs in the area hosts a leg of the championship circuit.
Season: May to July
Practice: Tuesday & Thursday from 7 pm to Dark
Hatfield American Legion – 2100 Koffel Rd, Hatfield, PA 19440
MontBuck’s 7’s Tournament: Saturday 6/15
John S Clemen’s Memorial Park – 500 Fairgrounds Rd, Hatfield, PA 19440

7’s Director: Ethan Walkowiak
Email: directofof7s@mbrugby.org

We use TeamSnap to communicate between the team, players, and parents.
See the coach to be added.